In order to form these adverbs, we follow 3 steps:
1. Think of any adjective
2. Take the feminine form of that adjective
3. Add -mente to that feminine form
I just thought of these four adjectives!
· simpatico= nice
· intenso = intense
· fácil = easy
· alegre = happy
Adjective | Feminine form |
simpático | simpática |
intenso | intensa |
fácil | fácil |
alegre | alegre |
This is the final step. Let’s complete our table and see the results:
Adjective | Feminine form | Adverb ending in “-mente” |
simpático | simpática | simpáticamente |
intenso | intensa | intensamente |
fácil | fácil | fácilmente |
alegre | alegre | alegremente |
We have followed the steps successfully, and obtained four adverbs ending in -mente:
· simpáticamente = sympathetically
· intensamente = intensely
· fácilmente = easily
· alegremente = happily
Ella trabaja intensamente.
She works intensely.
Paula resuelve fácilmente los problemas.
Paula solves the problems easily.
Los niños cantan alegremente.
The children sing happily.
Here’s a list of common -mente adverbs, and the adjectives they come from:
Adjective | Adverb ending in “-mente” | Meaning | Bangla |
absoluto | absolutamente | absolutely | সম্পূর্ণভাবে |
afortunado | afortunadamente | luckily | ভাগ্যক্রমে |
breve | brevemente | briefly | সংক্ষেপে |
claro | claramente | clearly | পরিষ্কারভাবে |
completo | completamente | completely | সম্পূর্ণরূপে |
especial | especialmente | specially | বিশেষ করে |
final | finalmente | finally | অবশেষে |
honesto | honestamente | honestly | সৎভাবে |
lento | lentamente | slowly | ধীরে ধীরে |
ligero | ligeramente | slightly | সামান্য |
necesario | necesariamente | necessarily | অপরিহার্যভাবে |
normal | normalmente | normally, usually | সাধারণত |
principal | principalmente | mainly | অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রে |
rápido | rápidamente | quickly | দ্রুত |
simple | simplemente | simply | সহজভাবে |
sincero | sinceramente | sincerely | আন্তরিকভাবে |
total | totalmente | totally | সম্পূর্ণরূপে |
triste | tristemente | sadly | দুঃখজনকভাবে |
tranquilo | tranquilamente | calmly | শান্তভাবে |
último | últimamente | lately | সম্প্রতি |
paciente | pacientemente | patiently | ধৈর্যের সাথে |