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English 2nd Test 1 / 30 With this sign, how fast should you drive? a) Mandatory at 30 km / h. b) Al menos a 30 km/h. c) At 30 km / h, as a recommendation, during the stretch that the danger remains. 2 / 30 Is the movement of animals allowed on a conventional road? a) Yes, only when there is no livestock route. b) No. c) Yes, except when traveling in a herd. 3 / 30 This sign recommends driving at 70 kilometers per hour ... a) in any case. b) only when it's raining. c) only when weather and environmental conditions are favorable. 4 / 30 To go straight ahead, where do you have to stop? a) Before the stop line. b) Before the pedestrian crossing mark. c) At the intersection. 5 / 30 What does the sign indicate? a) That the right lane leads to a cycle path. b) That the right lane can only be used for cycles. c) That the right lane can only be used by cycles and mopeds. 6 / 30 This sign prohibits parking ... a) on the journey. b) from the vertical of the sign to the next intersection. c) in the entire population/town. 7 / 30 In a narrowing without priority signs, there is a passenger car pulling a trailer and a bus, without knowing which entered first, which vehicle has preference? a) The one who has to backtrack the farthest. b) The bus. c) The tourism that towed the trailer. 8 / 30 When a car travels on a motorway at abnormally slow speed due to a breakdown, where will it do it? a) In the right lane and, if it seriously disrupts traffic, you must ride on the shoulder. On the shoulder so as not to be an obstacle. In the right lane, always. 9 / 30 This sign ... a) indicates that you cannot park or stop on the side of the road where the sign is located. b) indicates that you cannot park on the side of the road where the sign is located. c) indicates that parking has a limited duration, and the parking start time must be indicated 10 / 30 On this highway, in which lane should you travel? a) By the lane that best suits your destination. b) Down the left lane. c) In the right lane normally. 11 / 30 Cyclists have right of way over motor vehicles ... a) when they circulate on a properly marked bike lane. b) only on bike paths. c) as long as they circulate in a group. 12 / 30 This panel, what does it indicate? a) The distance from where the signal is to where the danger begins. b) The length of the pavement in poor condition. c) The length that the hazard exists. 13 / 30 Which road users must obey this traffic light? a) Pedestrians and bicycles. b) Bicycles and mopeds. c) Motocicletas. 14 / 30 Can you pass the center continuous longitudinal mark? a) Yes, to make an address change. b) No. c) Yes, if it is a one-way road. 15 / 30 In the event of a fire inside a tunnel or underpass, the driver of a vehicle ... a) it will leave the engine running and the doors open. b) He will leave the doors open and the key in. c) it will leave the engine off and the doors closed. 16 / 30 On this urban road with two lanes for each direction that does not have lane separation lines, which lane should you travel on? a) Down the right lane and I can't change to the second. b) On the right, and I can circulate in the second lane to overtake. c) By the lane that best suits my destination. 17 / 30 You have been stopped at an intersection with traffic lights and are blocking traffic, what should you do? a) Wait for the traffic light to turn green. b) Leave the intersection as soon as possible, safely, without waiting for the traffic light to turn green. c) Back up to clear the intersection. 18 / 30 On the highways, it is allowed to circulate ... a) pedestrians. b) to animal-drawn vehicles. c) along the hard shoulders, to bicycle drivers over 14 years of age, unless prohibited by signal. 19 / 30 The square traffic light has the green arrow on and the circular traffic light is red. What should you do? a) Drive without stopping. b) Stop the vehicle before the red traffic light. c) Stop the vehicle before the square traffic light with a green arrow. 20 / 30 The driver of the vehicle using the extra lane ... a) It will circulate at a maximum of 90 km / h. b) you should leave the road as soon as possible. c) at least the low beam will be on. 21 / 30 When does the overtaking ban end? a) When it reaches the narrowing. b) When it comes out of the narrowing. c) When it exceeds the vertical of the 'end of the overtaking prohibition' sign. 22 / 30 In view of this sign, should it facilitate the incorporation of vehicles that enter from the right? a) No, never, as it gives you priority. b) Yes, as far as possible. c) Only in the case of collective passenger transport vehicles. 23 / 30 On the shoulder of this autovia, what is allowed? a) Immobilize the vehicle for emergency or breakdown. b) Make stop. c) Park. 24 / 30 In crosswalks not regulated by traffic lights or agents, do pedestrians have priority? a) No, although as a courtesy you can give way. b) Yes, in any case. c) Yes, only on urban roads. 25 / 30 At an intersection that does not have a preference sign. When should you yield to an animal-drawn vehicle? a) Never, because it is not a motor vehicle. b) Always, because they have preference. c) When it enters from my right. 26 / 30 A tourism wants to cross this area. Should it yield? a) Yes, for cyclists on the bike lane. b) No, because tourism has priority. c) Yes, but only if the rider cannot stop in time. 27 / 30 Can the variable message panels be used to give mandatory instructions? a) No, they are merely informative. b) No, they can only be used to warn of potential dangers. c) Yes, among other uses. 28 / 30 This sign indicates the place where ... এই চিহ্নটি সেই স্থান নির্দেশ করে যেখানে ... The obligation to circulate at least 30 km / h ends. কমপক্ষে 30 কিমি / ঘন্টা সঞ্চালনের বাধ্যবাধকতা শেষ হয়। The recommendation to drive at a speed greater than 30 km / h ends. 30 কিমি / ঘন্টা থেকে বেশি গতিতে গাড়ি চালানোর পরামর্শ শেষ হয়। The obligation to circulate at more than 30 km / h begins. 30 কিমি / ঘন্টা বেশি সঞ্চালনের বাধ্যবাধকতা শুরু হয়। 29 / 30 This sign prohibits access to vehicles intended for the transport of goods, understood as such ... এই সাইনটি পণ্য পরিবহণের উদ্দেশ্যে তৈরি যানবাহনগুলিতে অ্যাক্সেসকে নিষিদ্ধ করে, এরূপ বোঝা ... trucks exclusively. একচেটিয়াভাবে ট্রাক। trucks and vans depending on their mass. ট্রাক এবং ভ্যান তাদের ভর উপর নির্ভর করে। trucks and vans regardless of their mass. তাদের ভর নির্বিশেষে ট্রাক এবং ভ্যান। 30 / 30 You should know that from the signal there is danger due to the proximity of ... আপনার জানা উচিত যে সংকেতটি থেকে সান্নিধ্যের কারণে বিপদ ... large pools of water that force you to slow down. জলের বড় পুল যা আপনাকে ধীর করতে বাধ্য করে। an area with frequent landslides. ঘন ঘন ভূমিধসের একটি অঞ্চল। a section of track where there is a risk of gravel being projected when passing vehicles. ট্র্যাকের এমন একটি অংশ যেখানে যানবাহনগুলি পাস করার সময় কঙ্কর হওয়ার আশঙ্কা রয়েছে। Your score is 0%